Hazing and Bullying Policy

Updated: 6/30/16; Reviewed: 10/13/21
Contact: Student Life Office

The College has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy regarding hazing/bullying. William Jewell College defines hazing/bullying as any action taken or situation created, either intentionally or unintentionally, on or off campus, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, ridicule, or possible physical harm or injury as a requirement for belonging to a group.  This would include pranks such as stealing, scavenger hunts, ‘kidnapping’, vandalizing property or harassing others.  Regardless of the individual’s willingness to participate in such an activity, it will be defined as hazing/bullying.

Failure to report acts of hazing to college officials is a violation of the College’s hazing policy. Those failing to report knowledge of or information about incidents of hazing may be subject to disciplinary action. Those found responsible for and/or with information or knowledge of acts of hazing will be subject to review by established judicial processes of William Jewell College.

In accordance with existing institutional policy, individual members and/or the organization may be referred to the College Judicial process and may be found in violation of College behavioral standards and policies.  Any instances of bullying/hazing should be immediately reported to the Dean of Students.

For information regarding individual bullying or harassment, please refer to the College’s Anti-Harassment Policy.