Musical Theatre

We are not accepting new students in this major.

Why choose musical theatre at Jewell?

Come explore the interconnection of music theatre in culture and society through our B.A. program. Jewell provides opportunities to practice musical theatre outside the classroom through fully staged musical productions, music reviews, internships, conferences and more.

You will learn to think, write and communicate about what you are reading and learning in coursework. You will read plays, discuss historical context, learn about theatre performance and design theories, and study playwrights, performers and past performances. By examining all of these in a synthesis approach, you will gain a comprehensive knowledge of the work actors, directors, designers and technicians in the work they do as theatre artists. As a music theatre major, you will write research papers, blog/journal about your learning experiences, create plots and renderings for design projects, analyze scripts for character and design conceptualization and present your findings for an audience.

What Will You Learn?

Each course will touch on the foundational skills of performance practice, theatre history, dramaturgical analysis and stage design, culminating in a capstone that showcases your skills in a public performance.


All students are eligible to compete for a Theatre Talent Award. These awards are available to performers, designers or technicians, whether you choose to major in theatre or another program. Schedule an appointment with Nathan Wyman, producing director of Jewell Theatre. 

Interested in performance: Prepare an audition piece no longer than 4 minutes that includes two contrasting monologues or a monologue and a musical selection. {Tip: Select age-appropriate pieces and avoid accents.}

Interested in design/production: Prepare a portfolio of creative work that expresses your interests and talent areas. Acceptable work would include any theatre design or art media. {Tip: Tell the story of the progress of the work rather than just showing finished products.}

Describe your experience: All auditioning students should bring a theatre résumé. Some students include a headshot or a DVD of a performance, but these are not required.