Stocksdale Art Gallery

Jewell's Stocksdale Art Gallery space is located on the 2nd floor of Brown Hall. The gallery is open to the public and events are co-sponsored with the Liberty Arts Commission. Stop by during exhibits from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. on weekdays and check this page for special receptions and events.


Current Exhibit

March 19 – April 11, 2025
Liberty Public Schools Art Showcase: featuring student artists from grades K-12
> Open House: March 19, 5-7:30 p.m.

Recent Shows

  •  The Tale of 2 Rivers: The origin of the Mississippi and the Nile River in Egypt: by Professor Emerita Nano Nore

  • David Johnson Exhibit: more than 60 works of calligraphy, woodcut panels and prints, ceramics, and soapstone carvings. Dr. Johnson, Jewell professor emeritus and director of the art department for many years, also has his works housed at Liberty United Methodist Church.

  • The Elegant Line: Three Artists, One Show: Kevin Callahan’s portrait paintings, Marti Dodge’s mixed media metal and wood sculptures, and Cathy Broski’s whimsical ceramic figures

  • Broken Lishbone Illustration - "Bent Over Backwards": a collection of works by Lish Hoerman

  • GK Callahan’s “Ocular Anthology”: Each piece contains its own short story, making this collection an anthology of images—visual stories that each show a snapshot of the artist’s life, covering family, love, challenges and dreams. Callahan is a multimedia artist and engagement professional with more than two decades in the community arts field. He works at the University of Missouri Extension, helping promote and foster community and economic development through the arts.

  • Nano Nore's "The Beaver River Project": paintings based on landscapes and rivers in her home state of Nebraska. She visited select places in all four seasons beginning in May 2021. Read more about The Beaver River Project here

  • “Paintings and Illustrations by Kwanza Humphrey”:  Kansas City native Kwanza works mostly in oil paint on large canvases creating intriguing portraits. In this exhibition he has also included a selection of smaller illustrations, some of which portray players from the historic Negro Leagues Baseball team.